Crystal Healing is a holistic and natural therapy that taps into the energetic power of crystals and how they affect the body and mind. During your treatment I place healing crystals on or around you to help unblock, focus and direct healing energy to where it is needed.
What is Crystal Healing?
Crystals are a part of Mother Earth, connecting, balancing and harmonising. They also connect with all living things not only within but interconnecting with the energy fields around us too.
We live in a world of energy that nourishes and maintains all living things. When this energy flows uninterrupted there is balance and harmony within and around us, and we experience a sense of well being. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. As a holistic and complementary therapy, crystal healing is now used regularly alongside conventional medicine.
Crystals help unblock, balance and direct energy where it is most needed, gently supporting the body to heal in a therapeutic way. Different types of crystals have different properties and energies. Just holding and being near these crystals affects our own energies on a physical, spiritual and emotional level.
Effective for both both adults and children, plus animals, crystal healing been effective in helping virtually every known illness and always creates a beneficial effect. It is regularly used in conjunction with other medical or therapeutic techniques, such as Reiki healing, to relieve side effects and promote recovery. One treatment can make you feel like you've had 3 to 4 hours' deep sleep. It helps you find true peace of mind and brings positivity to help you cope with life’s daily challenges.
Benefits of Crystal Healing
A Crystal Healing Session provides a relaxing and positive way to help you heal your whole body as it encompasses healing for physical, emotional and mental problems.
It brings deep relaxation, soothing emotions and reducing negative feelings. Reaching the deepest levels, many recipients say they feel as though they are being wrapped in warm, loving and comforting energy and one treatment can make you feel like you've had 3 to 4 hours' deep sleep.
As a holistic and complementary therapy, Crystal Healing is now used regularly alongside conventional medicine to relieve side effects of illness and to promote recovery. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and always creates a beneficial effect. Crystal Healing is an inclusive therapy in that it is suitable for any age, great for children, and wonderful for animals.
For physical issues I have found that multiple sessions over an intensive/short time frame certainly helps. Most of my clients combine crystal healing with their regular reiki healing as they say that it intensifies their healing journey. They consider it part of their monthly essential appointments.
If you are unwell, receiving medical treatment and unsure if Crystal healing is OK for you/your pet, please consult your GP/Vet for advice.
What to Expect
You remain fully clothed during the treatment but you will be asked to remove your shoes, watch, jewellry and spectacles. Healing energy passes through anything, even plastercasts, and therefore there is no need to remove any clothing during a healing session.
You will be made comfortable lying down on a massage couch, or seated in a chair, calming music will help you to relax. The main thing is for you to be as comfortable as possible. During your treatment you may choose to be quiet so as to truly calm your mind and body but you are encouraged to speak up if you feel uncomfortable in any way or need to ask a question.
Crystals are placed on or around your body in a specific way to connect healing energy to you. I like to use crystals alongside or as part of a reiki healing session as they intensify the energy and can magnify the energy flow through to you.
There is no massage or manipulation in the session just a light placing of the hands on the body if having Reiki too. You may feel heat, tingling or coolness as your body takes in the energy. You may feel these sensations more in certain areas where more energy is flowing or you may feel nothing very much at all apart from a deep sense of comfort and peace. Many people drift in and out of sleep, most say it is the most relaxed they have felt in a long time.
Everyone experiences healing differently. Some feel a slight tingling or sensations of warmth or coolness, others just a deep relaxation. Some find themselves in a deep meditative state whilst others feel rejuvenated and energised. Some even fall into a deep and refreshing sleep. Other common experiences are subtle pulsations where the crystals are placed or cascading waves of pulsations throughout the body. Sometimes the experience of healing is dramatic, while for other people, the first session in particular may be uneventful, although they feel somehow better afterward. The most common experience is an almost immediate release of stress and a feeling of deep relaxation.
Crystal healing gently allows the body to let go of old emotions, tensions and unhelpful patterns. Sometimes this causes tearfulness or a slight feeling of pressure as negativity is released. This often leaves you feeling lighter, as if a weight has been lifted from your chest and shoulders.
Healing is cumulative and even people who don't notice much the first time usually have progressively deeper experiences if they continue. Besides the immediate experience of the the healing, you may notice other changes that continue to unfold as the day goes on: perhaps stronger digestion, a sense of being more centered and poised and less reactive, and sleeping deeply that night.
A full treatment usually takes around an hour, 30 min sessions are available.