Ear candling is a simple treatment that offers benefits for a wide range of conditions associated with the ear, nose and throat. It can promote deep relaxation and helps to relieve stress and revitalise the body, so is a perfect complementary therapy to have alongside Reiki.
What is Hopi Ear Candling?
It is thought that the Ancient Greeks were among the first to use the Ear candling (also known as thermo-auricular therapy). They referred to it as ‘coning’ and used it specifically for cleansing, healing and purifying on a spiritual basis. Gradually more ancient cultures picked up on the practice, including the Egyptians, Mayan and Inca tribes.
The modern incarnation of ear candling is based on the technique envisaged by the Native American Indian tribe, the Hopis (meaning ‘peaceful people’). The Hopis used ear candling in rituals and healing ceremonies and developed a specific candle formula to enhance the treatment’s holistic and therapeutic benefits. The main ingredients they used in their candles included cotton, beeswax, honey, sage, chamomile and St John’s Wort - a formula still used in modern ear candle treatments today.
Ear candling also encourages deep relaxation, which is enhanced by the infusion of herbs and essential oils. Ear candling is a holistic and complementary treatment, a natural approach and many people say they find it helpful for maintaining general health and well-being of the ears, nose and throat. It can promote deep relaxation and helps to relieve stress and revitalise the body, so is a prefect complementary therapy to have alongside Reiki.
Those who may benefit from ear candling include those struggling with the following:
Stress and anxiety.
Migraines and headaches.
Colds, flu and congestion.
Swimmers ear.
The dissipation of excess wax and impurities helps to clear the inner ear and sinuses, regulates ear pressure and brings about a lighter sensation in the head and ears.
Please be aware that a Hopi treatment may not be suitable for people with certain medical conditions (cochlear implants, inflammation in the ears, perforated eardrums, grommets or tubes in the ears for example). If you are unwell, receiving medical treatment and unsure if a Hopi Treatment is OK for you, please consult your GP for advice.
What to Expect
You remain fully clothed during the treatment but you will be asked lay down on a massage couch. The main thing is for you to be as comfortable as possible.
During your treatment you may choose to be quiet so as to truly calm your mind and body but you are encouraged to speak up if you feel uncomfortable in any way or need to ask a question. You will then be placed in a comfortable position on your side before I gently place a specialised candle in your ear.
The treatment involves placing a hollow, cone-shaped tube (or ‘candle’) made of cotton, soaked in beeswax, honey and herbs into the ear canal. The candle is gently placed about a quarter-inch into the ear and lit, allowing the flame to pass down the candle’s hollow centre. The warm air comes into contact with colder air, creating a vacuum effect. This stimulates the ear and is believed to facilitate the removal of excess wax and impurities. This will be lit and held in place while it burns for around 10 minutes.
You are likely to hear a crackling sound as the candle burns and feel a warm, gentle massaging sensation in the ear. When the candle has burned completely, it will be removed from your ear and extinguished. This process is then repeated on the other ear. We finish off with a relaxing facial massage around the eyes, nose and temples to drain away any congestion.
A full treatment usually takes a maximum of 1 hour. If you are really congested then I would suggest a series of 3 sessions over a 10 day period.