A healing reaction is a sign of releaseYou may have heard of the term 'Healing Crisis', or perhaps even experienced one? Even the term sounds slightly scary, surely a holistic therapy, be it Reiki or acupuncture or a massage, shouldn't leave you in a state of crisis?
Well fear not! So what is a healing crisis? The Healing Crisis, or a healing reaction as I prefer to call it, is all part of the natural healing process. It's fairly common to suffer from detoxification reactions when you begin a program of natural healing. This is referred to as a Healing Crisis and basically takes place when the body is expelling toxins, it is a normal process that many will experience on their path to well being. It occurs to the body when it is trying to get rid of toxins faster than it can keep up with. Symptoms of a Healing Crisis / Reaction The Healing Crisis is very natural and unique for each individual. The vast majority experience very mild symptoms while others experience severe issues. The individual should understand that these symptoms are temporary and will subside as the body gets healthier and able to eliminate toxins more effectively. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, night sweats, hot/cold flashes, increased blood pressure, headaches, joint pain, & fatigue. They usually reduce/eliminate within 2-3 days but on rare occasions can last a few weeks. People who are already suffering from major illnesses or are quickly building disease processes may suffer from more extreme reactions. This may explain why someone would have a brief flare-up in their condition. On occasion the crisis will come after the individual feels at their very best. So even if you feel under the weather after a holistic therapy, you are actually getting better because the longer toxins or remain in the body the worse your health will be. How To Cope With A Healing Crisis / Reaction So after a therapy try to do the following:
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