What you can expect after a Reiki healing sessionI always have a chat with reiki clients about how they may feel the day after a Reiki healing session. Ofcourse it is important to emphasise that everyone will feel different, because we are all going through different situations and have had different life experiences within us.
From my own personal experience, the first time I had Reiki I felt lighter and brighter the day after, like something had lifted, things just seemed more sunny and carefree. I definitely had more energy and felt less stressed. And some clients have experienced this too. However others have, for a short time, felt worse after Reiki, they have felt tired and heavy, achey and fluffy. Once they have taken the time to rest and slow down, they have found after a few days of self care they feel much better too. One of my clients, who is as quiet as a mouse and doesn’t say boo to a goose at all, has a more extreme reaction after a Reiki healing session. She find that she goes to the other extreme of being a quiet mouse, whereby she has no verbal filter and seems to lose her ‘thinking before speaking’ capabilities. She said she feels she can be snappy and overly assertive with people, the opposite of her more introverted self. Ofcourse this is Reiki helping her to release all the pent up frustrations that she hasn’t felt able to articulate naturally. Once again, she focuses on self care, taking some time for herself, and always feel more balanced 2 days after. As with any holistic therapy, some people will experience a healing reaction after a Reiki therapy session, perhaps with a migraine, vomiting, feeling achy and fluey, have a runny nose etc. However the degrees of such reactions vary from individual to individual, and I advise all my Reiki clients in my Reiki after-care advice sheet that if they do experience a reaction they should drink lots of water to flush any toxins etc out of their system, get some rest and let things take their natural course of healing. Comments are closed.